Songbirds in Snow Stamps

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The four birds on these stamps are all native to North America, though some are more commonly seen than others.

SKU N/A Categories ,
Value:  66c
Issued: August 4, 2016
First Day City:  Portland OR
Type of Stamp:  First Class Mail
Printed by:
  Ashton Potter
Scientists use bird banding, capturing wild birds and placing unique aluminum bands on their legs. Bands, inscribed with individual numbers, help track birds’ lifespan, responses to environmental changes, migration patterns, and other crucial information. The North American Bird Banding Program, jointly run by the US Geological Survey and Canadian Wildlife Service, collects and analyzes annual data. From 1960-2016, the US alone banded millions of songbirds, enabling conservation efforts to address population declines. This program ensures the preservation of songbirds and their unique melodies in North America.


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